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Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)Ikhno Alexander SergeevichMaster of faculty "Economy and bisness"Chair of Economy and Menedgment |
Master's final research thesis: "Perfection of the organizational - economic mechanism of certification of mountain - mine production on an example of activity of " the Kiev experts -technical centre "
Supervisor: Senior lecturer, PhD of economic, Stepanova T.A.
Was born May, 9, 1981 in city of Makeevka Donetsk area in family of employees. My parents: father - Ikhno Sergey Afanas'evich of 1952 of birth, the chief of a department of certification of the mountain - mine equipment,, the State department on supervision of a labour safety of Ukraine, Body on certification of production and systems of quality "KETC"; mother - Ikhno Galina Nikolaevna of 1951 of birth, the expert of executive committee in work with citizens of a preferential category. Dream of my childhood, however as well as many guys, was to become the well-known cosmonaut or the known sportsman though my parents wanted to see me the doctor as the grandmother on the father at me was the head physician of a polyclinic of ¹1 cities of Makeyevka. The main hobby of that time I had collecting marks, but "collecting" it was to name difficultly therefore as marks were brought to me by parents, relatives, and I only placed them in an album. But already then, marks with the image of sports of steel are most interesting to me, and gradually " branded sports " have passed in my daily life and I began to be engaged in football as far as in it was serious to engage in 4-5 years. In kinder garden for the enough a difficult character I was constantly " on a pencil " at tutors though it has not prevented them to choose me responsible(crucial) for the group. It was my first serious purpose(assignment) in life as responsible(crucial) to me sometimes got from tutors for the group, but I understood, that already I have some authority, for example, to appoint attendants, and used the " service position " remorselessly. Also it would be desirable to note a detail interesting which has taken place during my stay in kinder garden. Very much having grown fond of football and having ripened for viewing this game in stadium, I with the father visited(attended) almost all domestic games of Donetsk "Miner", but thus became the passionate fan whom I am to this day "Dynamo" (Kiev). And if fairly to admit, itself I can not explain, why so has taken place. Though now for me so even it is better, as all my family 3 years back has moved to capital of Ukraine on a constant residence, and formally I too began Kiev.
In 1987 I have acted(arrived) in high school ¹ 29 Gornjatskogo areas of city of Makeyevka and have studied there inclusive up to 3 classes, but in 1990 under the insisting of parents I was transferbed(translated) in Liceum ¹ 1 with school ¹ 61 Central - city areas of city of Makeyevka. When I was translated in Liceum ¹ 1, it(he) was one of the first educational institutions of new type in city of Makeyevka , and to it(him) competitors practically were not. And now the Liceum ¹ 1 is the leader in " the branch ". Such parameters as quantity(amount) of graduates with "gold" medals, quantity(amount) of graduates of higher Educational institutions (high school) becoming students, are the best in city that testifies to authority of Liceum ¹ 1. Noegenesis from the best teachers of city, the non-standard approach to training pupils, fine base for noegenesis, all this might not leave " a positive trace " at formation of me as person. And the greatest influence on my formation rendered such teachers as Rastorguev N.G., Klimenko O.N., Pavlova V.G., Solopaka V.V., Kridiner R.G. all of them were both friends, and kind advisers, and simply good people. Having finished Liceum ¹ 1 with two "fours" (in chemistry and the Ukrainian language), due to the contract which has been made DonNTU and by our Liceum ¹ 1, I at once became the student of this high school. Being the pupil I was the repeated participant of various school, regional, city Olympiads though the winner was only school Olympiads (basically in mathematics). Also I was a member of Small Academy of sciences (SAS) and have written scientific work on a theme: " Combination theory ", that I think the certain success. However finding for significant time for study in Liceum ¹ 1, I did not desert the hobbies. So, the collection of marks which gathered at me was rather significant and was object of envy at my schoolmates and familiar. Also at me the new hobby - collecting football shirts with names of my idols has appeared. As to sports, namely football being a member of combined team of Liceum ¹ 1, our command twice became the champion of city.
During my training in Liceum ¹ 1 my relative successes were connected not only to "walls" of a native educational institution, but also behind his(its) limits. Membership in SAS, the events connected to this membership, for example, scientific conferences in the city, departure his(its) limits where there was an opportunity to communicate to "colleagues", I think all this for myself the certain success. You see meetings, dialogue with clever people, and never harmed to anybody, and on the contrary. As to my achievements in sport in structure of command " miner " (mine (shaft) " capital ") I three times became the champion of city. But the most significant victory has come in 1995 when "Miner" became fourth command in area.
Safely having finished study in Liceum ¹ 1 as it is strange, but the question of a choice of high school, I did not stand. First, to this time I was already student DonNTU, in connection with the contract of our Liceum ¹ 1 and DonNTU, and second, that may be better than convincing words of the father and the brother which have finished DPI, and all of their memoirs with high school only pleasant and positive. Thus, becoming(beginning) student DonNTU in family has ripened the following question: whether " the third Is necessary for family energetik? ", You see father and the brother graduates of power faculty, on a speciality " Power supply of industrial cities ". It was solved, that two energetik will suffice family, that the future behind economy, and the choice was made for the benefit of economic faculty. The choice of a speciality " Economy of the enterprise " also was not casual. A speciality " the Economy of the enterprise " covers rather wide spectrum of questions and, having finished training on this speciality to find work which completely would arrange me, easier, rather than having finished a speciality with narrow specialization.
During five years of training at university, to me, first of all, was lucky(carried) with people which surrounded at what it concerns as colleg me, and teachers. Maiken research works under the direction of my supervisor of studies, I repeatedly took part in the various conferences which are carried out(spent) in various cities of Ukraine. In 2002 has received the bachelor's degree, and also " the Commander of the mechanized platoon " has ended military faculty on a speciality.
At a choice of a theme of research work which subsequently became a theme of mine magistr. works, I recognized that, first, this theme very much is pleasant to me to the most and my head; second, for today the given theme has not exhausted(settled) itself completely and in it(her) very many " empty spaces ", ò. å. There is a place where it is possible "to be dispersed" to the ideas and where it is possible to apply the professional qualities.
The theme of mine magisters work and its(her) scope had no a wide circulation on faculty " Economy of the enterprise ". Therefore its(her) choice me and my supervisor of studies original "break" who has found good responses to faculty. The development, the theme chosen me today very important and taking part in this "development", the main thing - to receive result to which you aspire.
As to the future of my theme today break to a world(global) degree of quality is a maintenance of competitiveness of production. For mining branch at the given stage of vital importance maintenance of competitiveness of the mine equipment reaches(achieves). Only the competitive production having a high level of quality and protected by the certificate of conformity today successfully may be realized. Hence, certification of production gets very important value and research of questions of certification of the mine equipment it is very important in present conditions.
Professional prospects of the person depend, first of all, on him(it). As far as the person of realizes in the future, also depends only on him(it), from that "base" which was received by him(it) during training, from his(its) desire to raise the level with each year of training, from his(its) aspiration. Having put before itself the purpose, and also having executed her(it) to not stop on achieved and to continue to progress. Therefore in the future I would like to locate in the "second" native city of Kiev to realize the professional qualities, and also to continue to perform research works on an above named theme.